Ondemand Visit Inc. provides telehealth solutions to healthcare providers. They work closely with you to smoothen your workflow to make it more Tele-Medicine viable. They understand your clinical workflow, analyze and customize according to your workflow for the healthcare delivery model adjusted for your practice/hospital. Know more about them from the website.
Published by:
Sheri Gobec
Sheri Gobec
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652 visits
Custom fields

Users can filter only the important news for them by providing custom keywords.
When custom keywords are filled in, only the news with the matching keywords will be shown.
To show all the news click on the Show all button. This setting is not saved and next time the custom keywords will be applied again.
You can provide multiple custom keywords by separating them with a semicolon.
When custom keywords are filled in, only the news with the matching keywords will be shown.
To show all the news click on the Show all button. This setting is not saved and next time the custom keywords will be applied again.
You can provide multiple custom keywords by separating them with a semicolon.