Fun date ideas categorized by indoor, outdoor, creative, unconventional, etc.
Published by:
Jhaede Rollins
Jhaede Rollins
239 users
6923 visits
Active Dates
Unconventional Dates
Romantic Dates
Outdoors Dates
Attend an outdoor concert Up your dating game this summer by taking advantage of the season’s warm weather and extended evening light to move some of your dates outdoors.
Good music sounds even better when you have the chance to hear it outside in the open air. Many parks, wineries and even zoos now host outdoor concerts, and there are a number of major concert venues that are designed to take advantage of their natural settings and spectacular views. Check your local listings online. -
Watch a baseball game There’s a reason baseball is called America’s pastime. Whether you’re watching a team from the major leagues, the minors or just the local high school, there is something about the smell of the grass, the feel of the sun on your back, and the taste of a hot dog with mustard that can transform the most lackluster afternoon into a perfect day. -
Ride bikes Take advantage of the nice summer weather to tune up your bikes, dust off your helmets and get back out there. Make a date to do one of your favorite rides or try a new one that promises great scenery and enough challenge to get your blood moving. Pack a lunch in your panniers and make a day of it. -
Go sightseeing The recession made staycations a staple for budget-conscious travelers, who were delighted to discover the many treasures hidden in their own back yards. Take a page from that playbook and go sightseeing in your hometown. Contact your local visitors bureau ahead of time to get ideas and plan your itinerary, and then pretend you’re a tourist for the day. -
Go to an amusement park For some good old-fashioned summertime fun, head to the amusement park for a night of non-stop entertainment. Get your thrills on the roller coaster and the Tilt-A-Whirl, try your luck at the ring toss and the shooting gallery, and end the evening with a romantic ride on the Ferris wheel. -
Try miniature golf It may sound a little campy is this age of video games, but miniature golf is a classic outdoor date activity for a reason. As you meander from hole to hole, laughter and conversation are guaranteed, and the low-key competition adds a little spice to the evening. Somewhere between the clown’s head and the windmill, you’re almost sure to find a spark of romance. -
Find a local farm that allows you to pick fruit or berries Some states have large patches of wild berries you can pick too. Get your buckets and pick away! If you feel like being a kid again, put up a mini stand and sell your buckets of berries off a busy road and see how much money you can make together.
Indoors Dates
Creative Dates
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