Centerpost is a results and expert driven media company. We own distribution channels that broadcast online, live, on demand, on cable, on broadcast, on radio and everywhere. We own shows that draw in viewers interested in small business ideas, business to business, building a business, growth markets, new markets, business skills, business ideas, creating wealth or wealth creation, equity and leadership skills. We place you in these shows with a trained host to interview you about your business. You get direct results from viewers looking for your product or service. But you get indirect results by using the content on your website and social media. This is third-party validation.
Published by:
Scott Peterson
Scott Peterson
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641 visits
Media and Broadcast
Custom fields

Users can filter only the important news for them by providing custom keywords.
When custom keywords are filled in, only the news with the matching keywords will be shown.
To show all the news click on the Show all button. This setting is not saved and next time the custom keywords will be applied again.
You can provide multiple custom keywords by separating them with a semicolon.
When custom keywords are filled in, only the news with the matching keywords will be shown.
To show all the news click on the Show all button. This setting is not saved and next time the custom keywords will be applied again.
You can provide multiple custom keywords by separating them with a semicolon.