Be creative and have fun with turning your broken and used household items into treasure. Here are a lot of ideas for repurposing, reinventing and recycling that you may want to incorporate into your own home.
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Reducing and Reusing Basics
How to Manage Your Home Waste
How to Recycle Items Into Home Decor
Turn old drink cartons into baskets. Alternatively, you can use them to make picture frames or bird houses!
Reshape old vinyl records. Did you know that you can Make Bowls out of Vinyl Records? Or use them to Make a Salvador Dali Clock?
How to Reuse Commonly Thrown Away Household Items
Carrier bags can be reused in the shops or as bin bags around the house. Paper bags make useful wrapping paper and twist ties can be used to secure loose items together, such as computer wires.
By sticking labels over the address you can reuse envelopes. Alternatively, old envelopes can be used as scrap paper to make notes on.
Such as foil and egg cartons can be donated to schools and nurseries, where they can be use in art and craft projects.
Old tyres can be given to your local petrol station where they will be recycled. Or you could make a tyre-swing by tying a strong rope around a tyre and attaching it to a tree.
Can be used in woodcrafts for making objects such as a spice rack or a bird table. Alternatively it could be used as firewood.
How to Reuse Paper at home
How to reuse metal at home
How to reuse plastic at home
how to reuse Glass at home
inspiring articles about reusing household items
videos about reusing and repurposing household items
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