Updating your status update should be part of your daily LinkedIn routine but will undoubtedly be one of the more time-consuming tasks in this checklist. One of the others will be writing a well-crafted and branded professional summary. If your Professional Headline served the role of luring visitors to your profile from people search results, your Professional Summary must expand upon that branding further while also supporting what you say in your headline as well as potentially ending with a good call-to-action. You must “close the deal” by making sure that, after your profile visitors read your Professional Summary, they will be sold on you and want to initiate contact. If you work for a company who is cognizant of their employer branding, you might want to ask your HR or Marketing department if they have a standard paragraph you could use to showcase the company you work for. Either way, if there is one area you want to spend time on crafting a few well-versed paragraphs, it’s here!