Millionaires invest
Many millionaires became millionaires because they don’t spend, they invest:

They look at each purchase, even personal things, as an investment. Of course most personal expenses don’t yield a profitable return in terms of more money in the bank account, but they can offer good value. The self-made millionaires I interview make conscious decisions about what they want and what a purchase will give them in return.

Even though I am fairly frugal I’ve learned a lot from the suggestions of millionaires. I’ve learned a lot from their attitudes about money. One of the reasons I started doing the podcast series was because I used to put millionaires on a pedestal. Now I realize, they are just people like you and me. They have made good and bad decisions in their lives. They learn from their mistakes and try to make better decisions. They even make spelling mistakes, just like me! And these people I have interviewed are also some of the most generous people I’ve ever met. The books I’ve read on millionaires didn’t tell me that.