Make a movie together—find odd props around the house, then come up with a creative plot to act out.
Have a poker tournament but instead of betting money do it with something fun and random like candy or cookies. - Jen
Make a homemade pizza together then sit down for a candle light dinner with some nice italian bread and freshly made tossed salad. - A-HIZZLE
Have an indoor unbirthday party. Watch the scene from Alice in Wonderland with the mad hatter and do everything they do! Go to the thrift store or dollar store give everyone a specified amount of money and then buy unbirthday presents for each other. Then head back to someones house where you watch that scene from the movie and sing "Merry Unbirthday" exchange gifts and eat cake and other good food. - Brandyn
Go "people watching" at the mall—it can be fun to just sit and talk.
Go to your local animal shelter and play with the animals—Who knows, you just might find a new friend
Coloringpictures together is a great indoor date idea—find a fun coloring book or print coloring book pages off of the Internet
Finger painting—put on an apron cuz this can get messy. Find some big paper ormaybe a cardboard box and make a masterpiece together.
Take a trip to your local hobby shop – pick out a project to work on for the afternoon—maybe build a boat, or a rocket, something that you can play with!
Make-Your-Own Pizza
Write a book together
Make outfits for each other out of newspaper then have an indoor fashion show
Set up a tent in your front room, sit in the tent and eat dinner on a blanket--build a fake fire, or roast marshmallows over a candle.
Read a book together—Choose your favorite childhood story and read aloud
Put on a play – choose a popular story from literature, or a movie
Write a song together
Wii Olympics -- get a group together and have a competition using Wii Sports
Play dress up—be sure to take lots of pictures
Make life lists together—all the things you want to do before you die
Have a Marshmallow eating contest -- see who in the group can fit the most mallows in their mouth!
Visit a nursing home or a rest home
Play Board games like Monopoly, Candy Land and Sorry
Tour Historical Buildings
Play pool, foosball, or ping-pong
Go visit your local planetarium
Play Guitar Hero or Rock Band
Free factory tours
Walk through the library or a bookstore—Find a corner to sit and read a children’s book together
Have a cotton ball fight—buy several bags of cotton balls to throw at each other (or marshmallows)
Story time—take turns recording pieces of a story
Directions: One person starts recording a story, while the other leaves the room, ending their segment with “and then…” the other person picks up telling the next part of the story, and ends their segment with “and then…” this continues until someone decides to tell “The end”.
Go and volunteer together at the local animal shelter
Go Bowling – try getting bumpers and playing for the lowest score, or playing with only your non-dominant hand
Go to an IMAX movie
Find a Paint-your-own pottery place
Order Chinese, then eat it on the floor
Paint each others faces—Use water based paint or washable markers to make your date look wonderful, then go out in public to show the world your new look.
Go to a comedy club—look for a local group, there are a lot of fun comedy groups especially at local universities.
Pots & Pans Dinner: Set a table with pans instead of plates, and spatulas instead of forks, etc. Put a sheet over the table to hide the utensils. Have the couples come in and pick a seat, since they won’t know what’s going on. Serve spaghetti. Serve drinks in vases.
Get a bunch of random toppings (like peanut butter, sardines, candy, ect), and have pizza crusts pre-made. Then put the toppings on the pizza. Then switch pizzas and whoever can get a slice of the pizza down first wins! - Ben Smith
Make duct tape creations! Wallets, bags, ANYTHING! Be as creative as you can and be sure to buy the colored Duck brand duct tape! Youtube has lots of tutorials for duct tape things.~Jeremiah
For an indoor date, turn off the volume to a movie, assign group members different roles, and make up the words. It works best if no one has ever seen the movie... and if you have a funny date, it can be hilarious! ~Connor K
Have a cookie-baking contest
Directions: each couple chooses a recipe -- go to the store and have fun finding all the items you need, then return home and bake the cookies (play games or watch a movie while they bake). Try each other’s cookies and have someone outside of your group choose a winner