Designed as a studio space and personal experiment in minimal life by artist Stephen Turner, the "Exbury Egg" is a floating home and studio space based on the premise of reevaluating what we traditionally think of as a home. It's intended to be an installation, moved by boat, but is currently being used by Turner as a year-long home (the artist is documenting his life in the egg as a sort of performance art). Fashioned almost entirely from artfully-wrapped wood, the tiny one-room space will be washed by tides, rains, and winds over time to gain a unique patina, integrating the structure into the visual theme of the marsh area surrounding it. Inside, Turner has a basic shower and cooking devices, as well as a hammock to rest in. While the Exbury Egg may draw stares while being towed through a populous area, it fits right in where the artist claims it belongs: in unchanged nature.