Imagined as the ultramodern main home of a multimillionaire or billionaire, this stunningly strange-looking mansion concept by Tsontakis Architecture is planned for construction crowning Mummy Mountain outside of Phoenix. With no expense spared, the house will feature a private spa, two master bathrooms, and more opulent amenities. It has not one, but two guest homes included in its property, attached by an extension of the main home's architecture. The house itself has been given the shape of a black manta ray, with graceful yet sharp natural curves and edges. Its 16370 planned square feet make an imposing statement on the surrounding area, crowning the king of the hill with ominous modernity.
Though the house may seem huge and unlimited in design, it actually faces a number of severe architectural challenges. Due to local laws and concern about the preservation of the mountain's visual integrity, numerous restrictions were placed on the height and scope of the project. This means that Tsontakis was faced with limitations of what should theoretically be a limitless exercise in extreme, ultramodern design. The architect met these challenges head-on with a low and sleek building profile, almost in the vein of an evil, contemporary cousin of Taliesin. The home remains palatial and lavish in all its amenities and spaces, no matter what design restrictions were dealt with in its proposal. It has the feel of a truly unlimited home design, something that its price tag, a cool thirty million dollars, reflects.