Mobile Application Developer

Featured Course: Mobile Development Online Bachelor's Degree (Full Sail) | Highlights: Android & iOS Mobile App Development Training, Java & Objective-C Programming, Effective UI Design & App Deployment... COURSE DETAILS

Mobile Application Developer TrainingMobile Application Developers create software for mobile devices.

The latest mobile devices and applications are changing the way we communicate, do business, and access news and entertainment. Businesses, consumers and programmers have embraced this innovative content, making mobile application developer one of the most demanded and fastest growing IT careers for 2014.

Mobile developers write programs inside of a mobile development environment using the Objective C, C++, C# or Java programming languages. A mobile app developer chooses the operating system (a.k.a. mobile platform) they will develop for, such as Google's Android or Apple's iOS, then learns the programming languages and software development environment for that platform.

Currently, there are 5 major mobile platforms, each with its own core language(s) and development environment:

Mobile Platform
iOS (Apple)
RIM (Blackberry)
Windows Mobile
Core Language
Multiple choices
Visual Studio 2010
Mobile Devices
Multiple Vendors
Apple iPhone, iPad, iPod
Blackberry Devices Only
Multiple Vendors
Multiple Vendors

Mobile Application Developer Skills & Responsibilities

Typical day-to-day duties and in-demand skill sets for mobile application developers include:


Mobile Application Developer Salary

Mobile Application Developer Salary $94,000




Mobile Application Developer Education Requirements

Most employers seek mobile application developers with at least a bachelor's degree in software engineering, mobile application development, mobile computing, computer science or a similar programming-centric field of study. Hiring managers for mobile development positions will also want to see a portfolio with samples of completed mobile applications and your best development projects. The following undergrad and graduate degree programs satisfy both of these requirements with hands-on courses wherein students create a range of applications for the leading mobile platforms, plus specialized lessons on presenting yourself as a top candidate for mobile developer positions, in which active mobile development practitioners help you assemble the apps created throughout the program into an industry-specific portfolio, resume and cover letter.

Marketable skills to look for in a mobile development education program include iOS application development (iPhone & iPad), Android application development, object-oriented programming (OOP), Java programming (Java SE/ME/EE), JavaScript,HTMLCSS, Objective-C and C++ programming, user-interface (UI) design, game & simulation programming, mobile app portfolio assembly, database & OS fundamentals, and mobile media marketing & deployment. The subject matter in mobile application development training works extremely well in online learning formats.

Research and compare the top-rated mobile application developer training programs in the U.S., Canada and online.


Mobile Application Developer Training

Browse the top-rated undergrad & graduate degrees, professional certificates, self-paced courses and online training programs matching the mobile application developer education requirements and career path.

Admissions advisors can provide more information about mobile development programs & curriculum, admissions & start dates, online learning, career opportunities, tuition costs, personalized financial aid options & scholarships.
Got targeted learning goals? Many schools offer individual courses & certificates from accredited degree programs.

Computer School

Mobile App Dev Training

Course Highlights & Certifications

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B.S. Mobile Application Development

  • Method: Online Degree
  • Degree Level: Bachelor
  • Accredited Program: Yes
  • Financial Aid Available: Yes
  • iPhone Application Development Training
  • Android Application Development Training
  • Mobile Video Game Design & Programming
  • User Interface Design and Usability Testing
  • Mobile Application Design and Art Direction
  • Mobile Media Business & Marketing Courses
  • Successfully Launch & Deploy Mobile Apps