Can you imagine waking up in this vacation home overhanging the ocean waters of Australia?! My stomach drops a little just thinking about looking out from that view on the top floor. In order to get inside of the home, you have to drive into the carport, which lowers down mechanically onto the top of the structure. From here, you can enter the house from the roof.
Even without any useable flat land, the designers of this cliffhanger created a hearty 5-story home off the southwest coast of Victoria. A company called Modscape Concept stands as the brains behind the concept building, designed to be an actual extension of the cliff, as opposed to being built atop the cliff. This gives people a completely different perspective on an oceanfront property.
Hopefully one day soon this house will be available for sale, but as of right now it is only a concept house.
Modscape Concept creates all of their prefab homes and commercial buildings using a steel frame surrounded by insulated panels, making their structures just as sound and comfortable as any home built directly into the ground. No matter what size or style home that you want, Modscape says they are able to create it off-site.
The best part is that all Modscape buildings are made with sustainability in mind. The companies’ unique process involves less waste and materials that harm our environment. If we don’t change the way we do things we will exhaust our planet’s fragile resources. Sustainable homes are better for the environment, meaning they are ultimately better for us.
These homes are made with sustainable methods and materials, but they are still every-bit luxurious. And not just because the windows overlook the most amazing view ever! This couch surrounded by windows looks like the perfect place to unwind.