Easy Ways to Boost Metabolism as You Age

It becomes harder and harder to boost metabolism as you grow older, especially if you're a woman. Do you remember how when you were a kid, your weight was never an issue? When we're young, everything seems to be turned up.

Then one day you wake up and your age has caught up with you. There always a constant struggle over how much effort you have to put into taking off what you put on! Its one of the many caveats of aging that really bites the big one!

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The good news is that there are many things you can do to jump-start your metabolism into gear. All it takes is learning a few things about how to get your body to cooperate with you!

Its Not Your Fault

What's happening is that your metabolism is slowing down! Metabolism is defined as the way the body converts food into energy. The energy that’s burned are called calories. A slowing metabolism is a natural part of aging that begins around age 30. From that time on, your body burns about 2-4 percent less energy every 10 years. Fewer and fewer calories are burned and the excesses are stored as fat.

If you do nothing to counteract this phenomena, you’ll become heavier and heavier and less and less energetic as time goes by. Metabolic changes are a direct response to changes in body composition.

But here's the REAL kick in the pants!

Women naturally burn fewer calories than men. That’s because men have more muscle mass and women have more fat. (Gee whiz!)

So, Yes It Is Your Fault!

Most of the ‘slow down’ is your fault. Sorry, but tis true! wink image

Sure, we naturally lose muscle mass as we age, but the major cause of it is a sedentary lifestyle. The more inactive you become, the less muscle you have. The less muscle you have, the less energy you have. Therefore you move less and become more tired. So you eat to get a surge of energy but don't move much. Your body is destined to convert the calories as fat and you just become more and more overweight.

Then one day it hits you that you're tired of being overweight so you go online and locate a help page about how to boost your metabolism... Am I right?

Easy Ways to Boost Metabolism