After the lead cast members of ‘The Lord of the Rings’ were cast, they turned into immediate superstars following the premiere of the first film and will forever be linked to their roles in the film franchise. But there were some other not-so-familiar faces you’ll be interested to know had their own parts to play. 

We mentioned earlier about Aragorn’s son in real life, Henry, getting his dad to accept the role, but did you also know that Henry himself appears in the movie? The first orc that Aragorn kills at the Battle of the Pelennor Fields in ‘The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King’ was played by Mortensen Jr., who (as a side note) was also tasked with researching when Thorin’s map appears in ‘The Hobbit’ so as to find a plausible way to have it appear in ‘LOTR’). Then there’s that cloaked ringwraith who demands to know where “Shire… Baggins” is in the first film. We’ll give you a hint -– the same guy who voiced that line had another major, not-so-“precious”-looking part. Yup, Gollum (aka Andy Serkis) lent his voice for that five-second-ish moment. 

Another father-son duo that made a really minor cameo in the movies was Peter Jackson and his son Billy. The director appeared in the first movie as a rain-soaked, shadowed man in Bree chewing a carrot. He was originally supposed to smoke a pipe, but it made him sick so he switched to the veggie. He then appears down the road in ‘The Two Towers’ as a Helm’s Deep soldier chucking a spear at an orc. Billy, on the other hand, was one of the little hobbit kids listening intently to Bilbo’s story during the birthday party scene at the beginning of ‘Fellowship.’ He was the only one of the children who didn’t have to wear a wig for the scene because he, funny enough, had “perfect hobbit hair.”

Read More: 10 Things You Didn't Know About 'The Lord of the Rings' Movies |