Speaking of injuries, Mortensen's previously mentioned surfing accident was not his only one. The actor also broke his toe while filming the scene where he stumbles on the Uruk-hai massacre and kicks the helmet in anger. (Note: that's why he falls to his knees and screams.) He had to run with the injury in the early scenes of 'The Two Towers,' and later, in an unrelated moment, Mortensen almost drowned during the scene where he floats down the river after getting pushed off a ledge during the Warg attack. Oh yeah, and he lost a tooth during one of the battle scenes. Speaking to the latter, he said, "There were a lot of people who got hurt worse than me. We all had pulled muscles and twisted this and that, and broken toes." He's referring in part to Orlando Bloom's fall off his horse that cracked his rib, a Gimli size double's dislocated shoulder, and the real Gimli's near drowning experience after his boat capsized during the canoe scene in 'Fellowship.'

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