Due to the extreme time length needed for filming all three movies at once, the cast had to find some ways to hang out, which often meant listening to hip-hop and playing pranks on each other. Ironically, though, none of this horse play really caused any trouble with their actual work, but the one thing that did was surfing. The nine black riders were known around the set for their love of surfing and each had their own black wetsuit. When Mortensen tried it, though, he got hit in the face with his surfboard, which was why you saw so many profile shots of him during the Mines of Moria/Balin's Tomb scene. If the camera had shot him at any other angle, you would've seen his swollen face and black eye. "Viggo, being the cool guy that he is, said that he fell down the stairs or trod on a frog or something like that and we got away with it," said his partner in crime Dominic Monaghan (Merry), citing the additional fact that all the actors were barred from participating in active sports in the likely event an injury should occur.
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